We offer you technological resources to guarantee the best evaluation and certification experience.

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Accreditation Model

With a fun, 100% digital, intuitive and gamified experience, we measure our student's constant progress in both hard and soft skills.

Our models traits:
  • Applying a pre - test (diagnostic test) and a second exam at the end of the school year, we know the progress of all our students regarding the 5 basic language skills and many interesting soft skills.
  • We deliver our certificates and our accreditation diplomas for each and every student.
  • To compose our report, we analyze and gather relevant and very valuable information.

In our report we generate information that goes from the general to the particular.

  • Global report: it includes your school's national and international ranking.
  • Report by degree: it reflects your teachers and coordinators performance
  • Report by group: you will be able to compare results from group A versus group B, detecting areas of opportunity and important accomplishments
  • Individual report: with it, you will be able to customize your English and soft skills teaching program.